Getting started Selecting ordersPrinting labelsConfigure appearanceCustom label sheet templatesUse with direct thermal printersFAQHOW TOEdit addressesType in addressesPrint multiple copies of the same labelSet the starting labelChange the flow directionUse Arabic charactersUse Hebrew charactersUse Japanese charactersFix incorrectly cased addressesPrint return address labelsInclude address prefix
Use Japanese characters
The following built-in fonts are capable of displaying Japanese characters:
- Noto Sans
- New Tegomin
- M PLUS 1p
- Sawarabi Mincho
- Sawarabi Gothic
- Kosugi Maru
- Stick
- Dela Gothic One
- Shippori Mincho
- Kiwi Maru
- Yusei Magic
- Yomogi
- Hachi Maru Pop